Poor nutrition significantly impacts employees, affecting both their physical and mental wellbeing. A diet lacking essential nutrients can lead to chronic health conditions such as obesity, heart disease, and diabetes. These health issues can decrease an employee's energy levels and physical functionality, thereby affecting their productivity.
Moreover, poor nutrition can also lead to cognitive issues, including impaired concentration, memory, and decision-making capabilities. It's not just physical health that suffers; research shows a clear correlation between poor diet and mental health disorders, such as depression and anxiety.
Hence, dietary habits of employees have a direct influence on their performance and overall job satisfaction.
Resilience, energy, focus and productivity improves. Better work and better life, New habits. environment of self improvement leads to snowball effect at work.
Watch employee retention improve. Include 'nutrition services' in job adverts and improve visibility as a forward-thinking employer.
All presentations consist of actionable tips and employees are sent a factsheet and set of recipes post-workshop. Employees appreciate how they can use these tips to improve not just their lives but their loved ones too.
In this corporate nutrition talk, we focus on eating for sustained energy through the working day.
We have all been there...you eat a delicious lunch. You sit back at your desk feeling good and ready for the day ahead. Then....3pm comes and you're contemplating your 3rd coffee of the day.
Some topics we cover:
- How to form a balanced plate that provides sustained energy
- Daily habits to improve energy levels
- How to balance blood sugar and avoid dips
- Healthy snack ideas
- Caffeine as a stimulant
Immunity. A word that has been elevated over the past year and a half. Immunity is important not just for protecting against viruses but also for helping you shift those stubborn year-round colds.
Some topics we cover:
Importance of immunity
Immune-supporting nutrients
Gut health and immunity
Foods that compromise immunity
Food allergies and intolerances
Did you know that 70% of our immune system is housed in our gut? That the gut regulates the majority of our hormones? That there is a strong link between the gut and the brain?
Some topics we cover:
Importance of Gut Health
Intro to the microbiome
How to optimise gut health through nutrition
Foods to avoid for optimal gut health
Probiotics and prebiotics
We all know how much better we feel after a good night's sleep. But do understand how sleep also affects our hunger-regulating hormones, immune system and much more? S
Some topics we cover:
- The far-reaching importance of sleep
- Circadian rhythm - what's the big deal?
- Factors affecting sleep
- Nutrition to improve sleep quality - food and herbs
- Sleep hygiene - the importance of a bedtime routine
- In this session, we will cover:
- The stress response
- The impact of chronic stress on the body
- Nutrients that are depleted by stress
- Nutrition to build resilience
- Tips to create quick, healthy snacks and meals in a rush
- Lifestyle measures for stress management
In this session, we will cover:
- The gut/brain connection
- Nutrients to support mental health
- The Mediterranean diet
- Foods and drinks to avoid for optimal mental health
- Tips to maintain healthy eating habits when you feel down
- Lifestyle measures for mental health
In this session, we will cover:
- Understanding hormones (oestrogen, progesterone, cortisol and insulin)
- Hormonal imbalances (endometriosis, PCOS, PMDD, PMS etc)
- Key nutrients to support hormone balance
- Endocrine disruptors (chemicals in products like cleaning products, plastic tupperware, beauty products, etc that mimic oestrogen in the body)
- Lifestyle strategies
In this session, we will cover:
- Understanding hormones (oestrogen, progesterone, cortisol and insulin)
- Hormonal imbalances (endometriosis, PCOS, PMDD, PMS etc)
- Key nutrients to support hormone balance
- Endocrine disruptors (chemicals in products like cleaning products, plastic tupperware, beauty products, etc that mimic oestrogen in the body)
- Lifestyle strategies
In this session, we will cover:
- Understanding hormones
- Nutrients to support hormone health in the Menopause
- Bone health nutrition tips
- Weight management tips
- Supplementation for the menopause
- Lifestyle strategies
- Menopause myth-busting
In this session, we cover:
- Key micronutrients for men's health
- The importance of protein
- Heart health nutrition
- Nutrition for prostate health
- Male hormones & the Andropause
Improve employee retention
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